As most cancer patients can attest to, many chemotherapy drugs can cause nausea. Sometimes oncology radiation can also cause nausea. Oncologists can offer a number of different classes of antiemetic prescription medications to help control this nausea. In this blog post we focus on some alternative treatments that can help to reduce CINV.
Several different alterations or enhancements in life style can help increase comfort. Often, the patient’s sense of smell becomes very sensitive. It can be helpful to use unscented soaps, shampoos, body lotions, and deodorants. Modifications to diet can include hydration (lots of non sugar based liquids), spacing out eating into many small meals during the day, and avoiding fried and greasy items. Fresh air and loose clothing may also be helpful.
Mindful meditation and other alternative practices can be helpful. These can include, but are not limited to relaxation and imagery therapy, music therapy, biofeedback, desensitization, breathing exercises or accupressure.

Another natural solution to reduce CINV has been developed in the form of a simple lozenge or lollipop. Queasy Pops and Queasy Drops are an all natural way to ease a queasy stomach. Queasy Pops and Drops are great tasting lollipops and lozenges which have been formulated from the essential oils from delicious, all natural sources. Queasy Drops act via aromatherapy and taste receptors to inhibit negative taste sensations and calm the tummy. Another great attribute of Queasy Drops is that they can also alleviate dry mouth which another very common side effect of chemotherapy. The products also provide quick calories and are soothing and comforting. The Queasy drops come in many appealing flavors including: sour raspberry, green tea with lemon, ginger, banana and natural cola. The Queasy pops are available in a different flavor assortment including: peppermint, cinnamon, sour lemon, papaya, ginger, sour raspberry and green tea with lemon. To purchase Queasy Pops or Queasy Drops click here.
You can purchase an anti-nausea gift pack including one Bioband and one tub of Queasy Drops by clicking here.
Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting can be debilitating. It can take over your life and prevent you from even getting out of bed. Here are a few natural solutions to try in addition to the antiemetic medications prescribed by your oncologist.
To view other products that can be helpful in managing the side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiation please visit
To learn more about breathing exercises please visit BreastCancerYoga by clicking here.
To read about a guided imagery application for cancer patients called Whip Cancer Now click here.
To read more about antiemetic medications in a very informative and highly recommended Consumer Reports publication called "Evaluting the Oral 5-HT3 Antiginists: Drugs Used to Treat Nausea and Vomiting" click here.