By Elyn Jacobs, Guest Blogger, Founder of Elyn Jacobs Consulting and Certified Cancer Coach
What if? What if we had a vaccine that was safe and could eliminate 95% of all breast cancer? Would you take it? Would you hope that your daughters, sisters, lovers and wives would take it? For every man or woman who has battled this terrible disease, I’ll bet the answer is yes. I’ll bet it’s yes for all those who have not yet dealt with this beast. So when I heard that there was a vaccine that has been found to be 100% effective in preventing breast cancer in mice, yet is sitting on a shelf, I was horrified, angry and hell-bent on doing something about it, and I am not alone. Remember, that anything that works in humans worked first in mice.

In June, I invited Dr Kathleen Ruddy (shown at right) to be a guest on my weekly radio show. Dr Ruddy spoke about a breast cancer virus that might be involved with 40-75% of breast cancer. She discussed a preventive vaccine developed at the Cleveland Clinic by Professor Vincent Tuohy that is ready for safety testing in women and may also be effective against the viral form of breast cancer. Cindy Sullivan, a breast cancer survivor living in Colorado, was listening in and made a comment in the chat room that she was really, really mad (ok, in her words, pissed off) that this vaccine was ready for clinical trials and still unfunded. Cindy contacted us, and Kathleen suggested that we band together with two other equally determined women; we set up a conference call and before you know it, we joined forces to get the word out and to get this vaccine funded. To read more about the champions for the Pink Vaccine,
click here. To listen to my interview with Dr Ruddy, please
click here.
The virus in itself was not news to me or others; Kathleen and I spoke about this a year ago, and it received national attention via a video Dr. Ruddy made that was nominated best short film of the
Breast Fest Breast Cancer Film Festival 2010. However, what amazes me is that in addition to the paucity of attention about the virus, there is equal disregard for the first preventive breast cancer vaccine that Professor Tuohy developed, for he has yet to get the funding for clinical trials to test its efficacy in women. So why is it that there is not funding for trials? If not for lack of awareness, what is it?
In order to get the Pink Vaccine to clinical trial we need to raise approximately $6 Million. In the estimated $30 Billion spent on breast cancer every year in the U.S., $6 Million seems like the proverbial drop in the bucket. Breast cancer is a big territorial business steeped in politics and greed. Komen has turned Dr Tuohy down for funding several times and Avon has refused to even consider it. (Please watch this powerful video,
Pink Ribbons). When you think about it, it’s not in the best interest of corporate America or Pink-America to prevent this costly disease. Still, I have a hard time accepting that there is not funding for such an important vaccine….not
everyone profits from breast cancer, so why isn’t this vaccine funded? Breast cancer costs insurance companies billions; sisters, daughters, wives, mothers and lovers and men die every day. Isn’t this enough motivation? Something must be done. The US Government as well as those whose purported mission it is to find a cure or end breast cancer must step in. Yes, we absolutely need to find a cure for breast cancer; millions are dying of this terrible disease. Treatment is not enough, and it ruins lives with illness, toxicity and fear. Treatment is not a cure; this vaccine is not a cure. (However, it may help prevent recurrence and slow the growth: researchers found that mice already infected with breast cancer saw a marked reduction in tumors after being given this vaccine.)
And that word
cure. That in itself is a quagmire. A cure to me is not just something that is a remedy or something that will bring back health; it is not something that indicates a remission of signs or symptoms of a disease. To me, a cure means that the cancer is gone and will not return. We ask if our cancer is curable, but due to the nature of cancer, it often revisits.
did just issue a sizable research grant to a team with a potentially more effective
treatment for triple negative breast cancer, one that will reduce the spread of cancer and prolong survival, and to me, that is exciting news; but again, if we can prevent this disease, let’s do that too. If I knew of a vaccine that could completely
cure, I would push for that also. But for now, what we do have is
The Pink Vaccine, developed by Dr. Vincent Tuohy of the Cleveland Clinic. It’s ready for clinical trials in humans. Remember polio? Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal disease. There is no cure, but there are safe and effective vaccines. If this vaccine works in humans the way it works in mice, we could eliminate breast cancer. The Pink Vaccine is not the only vaccine in the works; but it’s the only one to prevent breast cancer, and
that is the best cure there is.
Elyn Jacobs
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The opinions expressed in this blog post are those of Elyn Jacobs, the author. If you would like more information about this vaccine or would like to connect with others interested in finding money to fund additional research and clinical trials please feel free to contact Elyn Jacobs directly.
Elyn Jacobs is a breast cancer survivor, professional cancer coach, radio talk show host, speaker, and the Executive Director for the Emerald Heart Cancer Foundation. Elyn empowers women to choose the path for treatment that best fits their own individual needs. She is passionate about helping others move forward into a life of health and wellbeing. Elyn lives in New York with her husband and two young boys. To learn more about Elyn’s coaching services, please visit: To tune into the Survive and Live Well radio show, please visit, Tuesdays at 1pm (EST).
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